This years development platform is the Analog Devices MAX78000FTHR. The MAX78000FTHR is a capable embedded platform.


The MAX78000 features:

  • ARM Cortex-M4 Core

  • RISC-V Core

  • 512KB Flash Memory

  • 128KB SRAM

  • 16KB Cache

  • Neural Network Accelerator

  • Camera

  • Audio Interface

  • DAPLink Debugger

All documentation on the MAX78000FTHR is available at:

Some documentation to look over is the:

Some of these, the user guide especially, are very lengthy. Use these as a resource, but full comprehension is not required.

The Analog Devices MSDK is the SDK (Software Development Kit) for the MAX78000FTHR. This SDK is available at:

Documentation on the MSDK is available at:

While there are installation instructions for the MSDK here, MSDK will be installed for the 2024 eCTF utilizing Nix. See the Nix page for information on this installation.

A good place to start once you have all of the utilities installed is the Examples included in the MSDK!