Security Requirements



This section defines the security requirements of your design. These properties will not be tested or evaluated during Handoff. Instead, other teams will earn points for identifying and exploiting failures to properly meet these requirements by capturing Attack Phase Flags during the Attack Phase. Use these requirements to inform your design process, identifying and protecting critical data and code paths.


Your design is NOT tested for its adherence to Security Requirements during Handoff.

Security Requirement 1

The Application Processor (AP) should only boot if all expected Components are present and valid.

If the Medical Device is not in a fully functional state, the AP should not turn on. If the AP is able to turn on in an invalid state, patient health and data could be at risk. The Medical Device’s AP should confirm the device’s integrity before booting.

Security Requirement 2

Components should only boot after commanded to by valid AP has confirmed integrity.

Any Component present on a Medical Device should only boot if it is part of a valid system. If a Component is able to be used outside of a valid device – including on counterfeit devices – the safety of patients and the reputation of the company could be at risk. Sensitive data on the Components may also be at risk to being leaked if the Component is able to boot. As the AP oversees validating the device integrity, the Components should not boot until told to do so by a valid AP.

Security Requirement 3

The PIN and Replacement Token should be kept confidential.

PINs and Tokens play an integral role in segmenting access to privileged operations in Medical Devices. Any number of actors could gain access to a functioning device, so it is crucial that they are not able to extract these secrets from it. If someone were able to, they would be able to gain access to sensitive medical data and to introduce counterfeit parts into otherwise legitimate systems.

Security Requirement 4

Component Attestation Data should be kept confidential.

The attestation data on each Component is essential to determining the validity of the Component. If an attacker is able to access this data without the required privilege, they may be able to recreate or modify the critical Component. A leak of sensitive propriatary information would damage your companies reputation and could potentially lead to counterfeit Components risking patient safety.

Security Requirement 5

The integrity and authenticity of messages sent and received using the post-boot MISC secure communications functionality should be ensured.

The ICs that your manufacturer creates will end up serving critical roles in Medical Devices. Once the system is active, the communications between the components must be secure from tampering, duplication, or forgery. If not, patient safety could be at risk to malicious attacks or incidental data corruptions.


Security Requirement 5 does not require the communications to provide confidentiality, only integrity and authenticity.