Host Tools



The Host Tools allow teams to have a standard interface to the system functionality detailed in Functional Requirements. These include tools to build the system as outlined in Build MISC System (see Build Tool Reference Calls: below) as well as tools to interact with functioning Medical Devices as outlined in MISC Functional Requirements (see MISC Tool Reference Calls below).

Build Tool Reference Calls:

The build tools are a set of scripts created by the organizers that execute the required build stages as outlined in the Functional Requirements. These scripts are installed with the Poetry environment included with the example design.

The build tools will be utilized by the organizers when testing and provisioning your design. As such, your design must build with these included tools.

These tools cannot be modified by your team and must work as included with the example design.

The build tools can be executed from within the Poetry environment, or from outside of the Poetry environment by running poetry run before the script name.


Build Deployment

This will run the Makefile found in the deployment folder using the following inputs:

ectf_build_depl --help
usage: eCTF Build Deployment Tool [-h] -d DESIGN

Build a deployment using Nix

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DESIGN, --design DESIGN
                        Path to the root directory of the included design

Example invocation:

ectf_build_depl -d ../ectf-2024-example

Build Application Processor

This will run the Makefile found in the application processor folder using the following inputs:

ectf_build_ap --help
usage: eCTF Build Application Processor Tool [-h] -d DESIGN -on OUTPUT_NAME [-od OUTPUT_DIR] -p P -b BOOT_MESSAGE

Build an Application Processor using Nix

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DESIGN, --design DESIGN
                        Path to the root directory of the included design
  -on OUTPUT_NAME, --output-name OUTPUT_NAME
                        Output prefix of the built application processor binary Example 'ap' -> a
  -od OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        Output name of the directory to store the result: default: .
  -p PIN, --pin PIN     PIN for built application processor
  -t TOKEN, --token TOKEN
                        Token for built application processor
  -c COMPONENT_CNT, --component-cnt COMPONENT_CNT
                        Number of components to provision Application Processor for
  -ids COMPONENT_IDS, --component-ids COMPONENT_IDS
                        Component IDs to provision the Application Processor for
  -b BOOT_MESSAGE, --boot-message BOOT_MESSAGE
                        Application Processor boot message

Example invocation:

ectf_build_ap -d ../ectf-2024-example -on ap --p 123456 -c 2 -ids "0x11111124, 0x11111125" -b "Test boot message" -t 0123456789abcdef -od build

Build Component

This wil run the Makefile found in the component folder using the following inputs:

ectf_build_comp --help
usage: eCTF Build Application Processor Tool [-h] -d DESIGN -on OUTPUT_NAME [-od OUTPUT_DIR] -id COMPONENT_ID -b BOOT_MESSAGE -al
                                             ATTESTATION_LOCATION -ad ATTESTATION_DATE -ac ATTESTATION_CUSTOMER

Build an Application Processor using Nix

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DESIGN, --design DESIGN
                        Path to the root directory of the included design
  -on OUTPUT_NAME, --output-name OUTPUT_NAME
                        Output prefix of the built application processor binary Example 'ap' -> ap.bin, ap.elf, ap.img
  -od OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        Output name of the directory to store the result: default: .
  -id COMPONENT_ID, --component-id COMPONENT_ID
                        Component ID for the provisioned component
  -b BOOT_MESSAGE, --boot-message BOOT_MESSAGE
                        Component boot message
                        Attestation data location field
                        Attestation data date field
                        Attestation data customer field

Example invocation:

ectf_build_comp -d ../ectf-2024-example -on comp -od build -id 0x11111125 -b "Component boot" -al "McLean" -ad "08/08/08" -ac "Fritz"

Update Tool

Flashing the MAX78000 is done through the eCTF Bootloader. You will need to initially flash the bootloader onto the provided hardware.

The eCTF bootloader needs to be in update mode to be flashable. The bootloader is in update mode when the onboard LED is flashing blue. This mode can be entered by holding the bootloader button while resetting the board.


Only use .img files with the eCTF Insecure Bootloader! Other image types will not flash properly

ectf_update -h
usage: ectf_update [-h] -in INFILE --port PORT [-s]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -in INFILE, --infile INFILE
                        Path to the input binary
  --port PORT           Serial port
  -s, --secure          Update a secured or insecure firmware image

Example invocation:

ectf_update -in example_fw/build/firmware.img --port /dev/ttyUSB0

MISC Tool Reference Calls

All host tools are provided by the organizers and create simplistic interfaces for communication between the Host Computer and the Application Processor. These tools define the uniform interface utilized to meet the technical requirements on the AP. See MISC Interface for the details of the protocol of the interface the Host tools use to communicate with the AP.


List Tool

The list tool reports what components are provisioned as well as what components are installed on the system. Since component IDs are public information, this tool can help to determine the state of a provisioned application processor.

ectf_list -h
usage: eCTF List Host Tool [-h] -a APPLICATION_PROCESSOR

List the components connected to the medical device

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Serial device of the AP

Boot Tool

The boot tool is utilized to boot the system. On success, the boot messages from the components and application processor should be printed to the user.

ectf_boot --help
usage: eCTF Boot Host Tool [-h] -a APPLICATION_PROCESSOR

Boot the medical device

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Serial device of the AP

Replace Tool

The replace tool is used to replace a component on the system with another component. This is a privileged tool and requires the replacement token to execute. This tool must replace the specific component.

ectf_replace --help

Replace a component on the medical device

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Serial device of the AP
  -t TOKEN, --token TOKEN
                        Replacement token for the AP
  -i COMPONENT_IN, --component-in COMPONENT_IN
                        Component ID of the new component
  -o COMPONENT_OUT, --component-out COMPONENT_OUT
                        Component ID of the component being replaced

Attestation Tool

The attestation tool is used to return the confidential attestation data from a component. This is a privileged tool and requires the attestation PIN to execute. This tool must print out the attestation data from the specified component.

ectf_attestation --help
usage: eCTF Attestation Host Tool [-h] -a APPLICATION_PROCESSOR -p PIN -c COMPONENT

Return the attestation data from a component

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Serial device of the AP
  -p PIN, --pin PIN     PIN for the AP
  -c COMPONENT, --component COMPONENT
                        Component ID of the target component