Start Here¶
If you are new to the eCTF or embedded security, it can be difficult to know where to get started and what to focus on. The breadth and depth of embedded security is massive and with an open-ended challenge like “design a secure system,” it’s easy to get overwhelmed.
For many competitors, the eCTF is also their first large-scale design and implementation project. The scope and open-ended nature of the competition can lead many teams into pitfalls if they attempt to approach it in a similar way that you might when solving other, smaller school or personal projects.
To keep your team on track, the eCTF organizers are providing a step-by-step path towards completing the Design Phase. This won’t describe how you should design your system, only the steps you should follow to give you the best shot at completing your design without becoming overwhelmed.
As always, if you have questions, feel free to reach out to the organizers on
Slack, tagging them with @organizers
“I had no security experience prior to this competition. The learning curve was HUGE and I LOVED that! I was forced to learn so much. I loved doing the research, designing and implementing the secure system, and reviewing and attacking other teams’ designs. It was a blast!” - Former eCTF Competitor
0. Get to Know Your Team¶
Some teams may know each other before the competition starts, while it may be the first time other teams have met. Either way, it’s important to get to know each other, as you will be working together as a team for the next months.
Many engineering students assume that all work on large projects is technical, hands-on-keyboards work. However, the larger the project, the more non-technical work is required to coordinate and keep the project on track.
This means that there are a number of roles that are helpful to complete the competition, even for team members with no coding experience. Your team may find it helpful to outline explicit roles for each team member, as that can help create structure and clarify responsibility. Without roles, it can be easy for the work to be unevenly distributed, overburdening some members and leaving out others. This is especially true with larger teams.
To help, we suggest a number of roles, many based off of the way Delaware Area Career Center (DACC) has structured their team:
Project Lead: Manages the project and team
Task Manager: Keeps the task tracker (Trello, Jira, etc.) up to date
Lead Developer: Responsible for the code development and code reviews
Secure Designers: Creates the cryptographic and protocol designs to meet the security requirements
Developers: Developing the secure design
Red Teamers: Focus on preparing attacks for the Attack Phase and finding vulnerabilities in their own team’s design before Handoff
Documenters: Takes notes on meetings and keeps the design document up to date with the latest design
Your team does not need to follow the exact roles and team members can be assigned multiple roles. It is crucial to show grace and respect while deciding team roles, as it is important for everyone to feel that they got value from the competition. For more about how DACC structures their team, see team advisor Eli Cochran’s video for the 2022 NICE K-12 Conference
1. Understand the Challenge¶
After you organize your team, the first priority is to understand what is being asked of you. In the eCTF, you must design a system that meets a series of both Functional Requirements that describe how your design must work and Security Requirements that describe what your design must protect against.
It is critical that you understand these requirements, as they will make or break your design. Failing to meet Functional Requirements means that you won’t be able to pass Handoff to enter the Attack Phase. Failing to meet Security Requirements means that your design likely won’t earn many Defensive Points. This means that even though the eCTF is a security competition, the functionality of your design is actually more important to your success than the security is.
Spend time getting to know the Welcome to the 2025 eCTF! early, as it will save you time and heartache later in the competition when you realize you missed an important rule.
If you ever have any questions, please reach out to the organizers on
Slack, tagging them with @organizers
You cannot pass Handoff to move into the Attack Phase unless you meet all Functional Requirements, so make sure your efforts to secure your design don’t undermine the system’s functionality!
2. Understand the Reference Implementation¶
To get teams started, the eCTF organizers have provided a Reference Design that implements the basic functionality of the challenge.
This year, in addition to the reference design, we have included a Crypto Interface. This interface automatically compiles in the wolfCrypt library, providing a number of well-vetted implementations of common cryptographic algorithms. To make it even easier to use, the eCTF organizers have provided an easy-to-use interface for symmetric encryption and decryption and hashing. You don’t necessarily need to understand how the library and functions work, but you should understand how to use the provided interfaces.
3. Outline Your Design¶
Once your team has a grasp on the requirements of the competition, you will need to design your solution to meet the Security Requirements. This secure design is one of the most important parts of the Design Phase, as it will determine the security of your submission.
However, many teams get stuck trying to make the perfect design and run out of time to actually implement it. To avoid this, it is crucial to have a simple design that you can focus on implementing first before you attempt to finish the full, complex design. Aim for a design that is easy to implement and that you think will secure at least a flag or two, even if it leaves other flags vulnerable. Aiming for this before completing your full design allows your team flexibility during Handoff to trade off how strong you anticipate your design is versus how much time you will have in the Attack Phase.
Simple is often better in protocol design, as overly complex protocols can make it difficult to fully understand its security and make it easy for implementation mistakes to undermine the design. For teams who don’t have experience implementing cryptographic protocols on embedded systems, we strongly recommend using only the symmetric encryption and hash algorithms implemented by the Crypto Interface in your basic design.
Remember, you cannot move to the Attack Phase until you submit a function design that implements some amount of non-trivial security, so start small and build incrementally rather than shooting for the stars right away.
An additional benefit of starting with a simple design is that you will inevitably have to make changes to your design as you run into implementation constraints. Making tweaks to accommodate these will be much easier on a simple design than it would be on a complex one.
Once you have completed your basic design, the developer team can begin implementing it while the design team completes their full design. The full design does not need to be substantially more complex, but it should aim to be more secure against the full set of security requirements. Teams with experience in embedded security may also consider including protections against embedded attacks including fault injection or side-channel analysis.
As you work through both designs, make sure you record all of your decisions in what will become your design document.
The Crypto Interface does not implement public key encryption or signing. We strongly recommend newer teams stick to only the features provided by it.
4. Start Simple and Develop Incrementally¶
With your simple design completed, your development team can begin implementation. For many students, the eCTF will be the most complicated development project that they have attempted. The temptation will be to try to implement the entire design at once.
Resist this urge.
Teams will inevitably run into a number of unexpected roadblocks from bugs to misinterpetations of rules to quirks of working on real hardware. If you go straight from the Reference Design and implement your full secure design, so many things will have changed that it will be incredibly difficult to find what has broken.
Instead, develop incrementally, making one small change and testing it. If it fails or behaves unexpectedly, go back to your last working design and make sure it is still working as a sanity check (if it fails, repeat going back until you find a working state). This will make it easy to identify exactly where the design broke. Make sure you commit working versions to Git so you can always go back to where it was working
For example, instead of implementing your full cryptographic protocol, you could start small and iterate something like:
Have a single board read a message from the host computer and echo it back
Modify it to encrypt the message with a key of all 0s before echoing the Ciphertext
Modify it to allow it to use a key that is built into the binary at compile time
Have the board send the encrypted message to another board, which echoes it to the host computer
Have the second board decrypt the message before sending the Plaintext to the host computer
Since there are only a couple changes between each step, if anything breaks, it will be easy to track down where the problem was introduced.
If you need any help with development, reach out to the organizers
), mentors (@mentors
), and your fellow competitors in
on Slack.
The more that has changed from the prior working design, the harder it will be to identify where your system broke, so take development step by step
Tips and Tricks¶
Don’t be afraid to ask for help! The competition Slack channel is an excellent resource where you can ask the organizers and your fellow competitors questions. If you’re running into a problem, it’s very likely that your fellow competitors have as well, so asking in
gives you the best shot at getting a good answer. You can also ask the organizers in your team channel if the question is sensitive to your designIf you want to get the attention of the organizers, make sure to use
in your message rather than tagging individual organizers
“I enjoyed having the opportunity to tackle a hard problem in a more challenging environment than I’m used to. It forced me to do a lot of research into issues that I had never really thought about before.” - Former eCTF Competitor