Host Tools

The Host Tools allow teams to have a standard interface to the system functionality described in Functional Requirements. These include tools to build the system as outlined in Build Satellite TV System (see Build Tool Reference Calls below) as well as tools to interact with running decoders as outlined in Decoder Functional Requirements (see Satellite Tool Reference Calls below).

Using the eCTF Tools

In order to run the eCTF Tools, you must first ensure that you have installed all of the required packages (ideally into a virtual environment). You can install packages from the included pyproject.toml file in the root of the design directory. This file should not be modified.

# Create a virtual environment in the root of the design
cd <example_root>
python -m venv .venv --prompt ectf-example
# enable virtual environment
. ./.venv/bin/activate
# powershell users will instead need to run:
# . .\.venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1
# Install the host tools
python -m pip install tools/
# Install the host design elements as an editable module
python -m pip install -e design/

Build Tool Reference Calls

The build tools are a set of scripts created by the organizers that execute the required build stages as outlined in the Functional Requirements.

The build tools will be utilized by the organizers when testing and provisioning your design. As such, your design must build with these included tools.

These tools cannot be modified by your team and must work as included with the example design.

The build tools are to be executed in a Docker image.


Build Deployment

This will generate shared secrets for a given deployment. This step assumes that you have installed the host design elements in your current python environment. As an example, the below command generates secrets to a directory called ‘secrets’. This directory will be referenced in future instructions, but can be changed at the user’s discretion.

mkdir secrets/
python -m ectf25_design.gen_secrets secrets/secrets.json 1 3 4

Build Decoder

The Decoder can be built after the secrets have been generated, allowing the build to mount the shared secrets directory as a volume to the build container.

The below example generates a docker image called ‘decoder’ and uses it to run a container where a Decoder build with Device ID 0xdeadbeef. The build outputs of this command are copied to the directory “build_out”.

Example invocation:

cd <design_root>/decoder
docker build -t decoder .
docker run --rm -v ./build_out:/out -v ./:/decoder -v ./../secrets:/secrets -e DECODER_ID=0xdeadbeef decoder

Flashing Tool

Flashing the MAX78000 is done through the eCTF Bootloader. You will need to initially flash the bootloader onto the provided hardware.

The eCTF bootloader needs to be in update mode to be flashable. The bootloader is in update mode when the onboard LED is flashing blue. This mode can be entered by holding the bootloader button while resetting the board.

python -m ectf25.utils.flash -h
usage: ectf25.utils.flash [-h] infile port

positional arguments:
infile      Path to the input binary
port        Serial port

-h, --help  show this help message and exit

Example invocation:

python -m ectf25.utils.flash ./build_out/max78000.bin /dev/tty.usbmodem11302

Satellite Tool Reference Calls

All host tools are provided by the organizers and create simplistic interfaces for communication between the Host Computer and the Decoder. These tools define the uniform interface utilized to meet the technical requirements on the AP. See Decoder Interface for the details of the protocol of the interface the Host Tools use to communicate with the Decoder.


List Tool

The list tool applies the required list channels functionality from the Satellite TV Decoder system.

python -m -h
usage: [-h] port

List the channels with a subscription on the Decoder

positional arguments:
port        Serial port to the Decoder

-h, --help  show this help message and exit

Example Utilization:

python -m /dev/tty.usbmodem11302

Subscription Update Tool

The subscription update tool applies the required subscription update functionality from the Satellite TV Decoder System. The subscription update tool takes in an encoded update packet (in the form of a .bin file) and sends it to the Decoder. Note that subscription update packets can be generated using Secure Facility Docker ENTRYPOINT.

python -m -h
usage: [-h] subscription_file port

Updates a Decoder's subscription.

positional arguments:
subscription_file  Path to the subscription file created by ectf25_design.gen_subscription
port               Serial port to the Decoder

-h, --help         show this help message and exit

Example Utilization:

python -m subscription.bin /dev/tty.usbmodem11302

Running the Satellite and Encoder

To run all of the infrastructure, you will need to first start the uplink. Then, in a separate terminal window, start the satellite. And finally, start a TV instance for every Decoder being tested.


The satellite is responsible for broadcasting all frames received from the uplink to all listening TVs on the host computer.

python -m ectf25.satellite -h
usage: [-h] up_host up_port down_host channels [channels ...]

positional arguments:
up_host     Hostname for uplink
up_port     Port for uplink
down_host   Hostname for downlink
channels    List of channel:down_port pairings (e.g., 1:2001 2:2002)

-h, --help  show this help message and exit

Example Utilization:

python -m ectf25.satellite localhost 2000 localhost 1:2001


The TV is responsible for sending encoded frames received from the satellite to a decoder connected to the host computer and returning the decoded result.

python -m -h
usage: [-h] [--baud BAUD] sat_host sat_port dec_port

positional arguments:
sat_host     TCP host of the satellite
sat_port     TCP port of the satellite
dec_port     Serial port to the Decoder

-h, --help   show this help message and exit
--baud BAUD  Baud rate of the serial port

Example Utilization:

python -m localhost 2001 /dev/tty.usbmodem11302