The scoreboard for the eCTF allows teams to submit flags and keeps track of the scores of each team. The scoreboard can be found at
Check your team’s Slack channel for your team’s scoreboard login information credentials. All members of your team will use the same credentials
Using the Scoreboard¶
Each team will be provided a single login for the scoreboard by the eCTF organizers that all team members must share. To submit a flag, go to the Challenges page and click on one of the open challenges. On the subsequent popup, enter the flag in the text box and submit.
If the flag is rejected, first ensure that it has been formatted and entered correctly (see flags). If it is still rejected, do not continue to reenter it and talk to the organizers, as the scoreboard will begin rate limiting your submission attempts.
Once you have submitted an Attack Phase Flag, you will be prompted to submit an explanation of your flag. You must submit a brief writeup of how you captured that flag with sufficient detail for a reader to understand the gist of how the flag was captured.