2024 Glossary


If there are any terms that you had to learn in the eCTF that are missing from this list, please let the organizers know so we can add it


See Application Processor

The Application Processor (AP) is the “brains” of the misc, responsible for communicating with the Host Computer and interacting with the Components

Attestation PIN

See Attest

The Attestation PIN is a confidential PIN that is used to authenticate a user’s privilege to run the Attest functionality.


See Components

The Components represent the many additional chips that may be found on the misc that interface with the AP.

Host Computer

See Host Computer.

The Host Computer is a general-purpose computer used to communicate with the MISC.


See Medical Device (MISC)

The Medical Infrastructure Supply Chain (MISC) is the name of the system your team is building.

Replacement Token

See Replace

The Replacement Token is a confidential piece of data that is used to authenticate a user’s privilege to run the Replace functionality.